S.W.A.S.H. Orthosis
Hip-Orthosis - Kids' Orthotics - Vesalius Kids
Manufacturer: VESALIUS
Point of Application: HipLower Limb
Short Description
Lightweight orthosis designed to control hip sub-luxation in children with cerebral palsy. It may also be useful in situations when a scissoring gait affects the functional ambulation and in which hip dysplasia leads to muscle imbalances. S.W.A.S.H. orthosis assures a variable abduction during flexion providing sufficient help all day, when sitting, standing, walking or crawling.
A complete SWASH orthosis requires 3 parts: a Pelvic Section, Thigh Cuffs, & Uprights.
The bars are of 8 mm for 6 sizes.
Uprights are available in two versions: 115° = narrow sitting base / 123° = wide sitting base.
Functioning: When fitting the orthosis the hip is stabilized preventing any excessive abduction and internal rotation. The joint sets assure that in the moment of hip flexion, the leg is guided to abduction (reducing the risk of scissoring gait and broaden the base of support, helping to keep the balance on straight position.
- Indications: Cerebral palsy, with scissoring gait or instability when sitting by excess abduction, hip sub-luxation.
SWASH GO is the choice for the standing and ambulatory patient, when primary goal is to control scissoring gait and when patient has limited space between the iliac crest and the rib cage. It also encourages greater trunk extension for improved postural positioning.
SWASH GO Pelvic section has an aluminum posterior frame that extends from approximately L2/L3 to S1/S2, with an iliac extension.
SWASH Steady offers maximum trunk control, the choice when patient is primarily non-ambulatory (GMFCS IV-V), has low trunk tone and/or very limited trunk control strength or when greater pelvic coverage triggers more desirable neuro-sensory motor response. In sitting, the base is widened for support, which helps the child to get an upright balanced posture and at the same time stretch the adductor muscles.
SWASH Steady Pelvic Section has a polyethylene pelvic section that extends from L2/L3 to distal margin of the sacrum, providing maximum thoracic and pelvic support.